journal papers
published papers:
- T. Sato, S. Watanabe, M. Matsuo, and T. Kato, “Fluctuations in spin dynamics excited by pulsed light,” Physical Review Letters (in press) arXiv:2405.10522
- T. Funato, S. Kinoshita, N. Tanahashi, S. Nakamura, and M. Matsuo, “Spin current generation due to differential rotation,” Physical Review B Editors’ Suggestion (in press) arXiv:2401.00174
- A. Yamakage, T. Sato, R. Okuyama, T. Funato, W. Izumida, K. Sato, T. Kato, and M. Matsuo, “Curvature-induced valley-dependent spin-orbit interaction,” Physical Review B 111, 045121 (2025).
- X. Hu, Y. Ominato, and M. Matsuo, “Spin Seebeck effect in graphene,” Physical Review B 110, 245308 (2024).
- Y. Nozaki, H. Sukegawa, S. Watanabe, S. Yunoki, T. Horaguchi, H. Nakayama, K. Yamanoi, Z. Wen, C. He, J. Song, T. Ohkubo, S. Mitani, K. Maezawa, D. Nishikawa, S. Fujii, M. Matsuo, J. Fujimoto, and S. Maekawa, “Gyro-spintronic material science using vorticity gradient in solids,” Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (in press)
- Y. Sekino, Y. Ominato, H. Tajima, S. Uchino, and M. Matsuo, “Thermomagnetic anomalies by magnonic criticality in ultracold atomic transport,” Physical Review Letters 133, 163402 (2024).
- S. C. Furuya, M. Matsuo, and T. Kato, “Spin pumping into quantum spin chains,” Physical Review B 110, 165129 (2024).
- Z. Zhang, Y. Matsushima, Y. Shibata, T. Hatakeyama, M. Matsuzaka, T. Funato, M. Matsuo, and H. Kaiju, “Emergent magneto-inductance effect in NiFe thin films on glass substrates at room temperature,” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 610, 172500 (2024).
- K. Hosokawa, M. Yama, M. Matsuo, and T. Kato, “Theory of the inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect induced by thermal spin injection,” Physical Review B 110, 035390 (2024).
- T. Funato, M. Matsuo, and T. Kato, “Chirality-induced phonon-spin conversion at an interface,” Physical Review Letters 132, 236201 (2024).
日経新聞 2024.6.4 東大と慶大など、非磁性キラル絶縁体の熱伝導が磁性に変換される理論を構築 - R. Sano, Y. Ominato, and M. Matsuo, “Acousto-magnonic Hall effect in honeycomb antiferromagnets,” Physical Review Letters 132, 236302 (2024). (arXiv:2305.13375)
プレスリリース - D. Yao, M. Matsuo, and T. Yokoyama, “Electric field-induced nonreciprocal spin current due to chiral phonons in chiral-structure superconductors,” Applied Physics Letters 124, 162603 (2024). (arXiv:2401.04497)
- Y. Ominato, A. Yamakage, and M. Matsuo, “Dynamical Majorana Ising spin response in a topological superconductor-magnet hybrid by microwave irradiation,” arXiv:2308.05955 Physical Review B 109, L121405 (2024).
- Y. Matsushima, Z. Zhang, Y. Ohashi, T. Hatakeyama, G. Xiao, T. Funato, M. Matsuo, and H. Kaiju, “Emergent magneto-inductance effect in permalloy thin films on flexible polycarbonate substrates at room temperature,” Applied Physics Letters 124, 022404 (2024).
日経新聞 2024.1.11「慶大など、フレキシブル基板上の磁性薄膜において室温・低磁場での創発インダクタンスの観測とそのメカニズム解明に成功」 - D. Oue and M. Matsuo, “Optimizing motion-induced spin transfer,” Physica Status Solidi (b)
- H. Tajima, H. Funaki, Y. Sekino, N. Yasutake, and M. Matsuo, “Exploring 3P0 superfluid in dilute spin-polarized neutron matter,” Physical Review C (Letter) 108, L052802 (2023)
- M. Yama, M. Matsuo, and T. Kato, “Theory of inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect induced by spin pumping into a two-dimensional electron gas,” Physical Review B 108, 144430 (2023)
- K. Fukuzawa, T. Kato, M. Matsuo, T. Jonckheere, H. Rech, and T. Martin, “Spin pumping into carbon nanotubes,” Physical Review B 108, 134429 (2023)
- T. Zhang, D. Oue, H. Tajima, M. Matsuo, and H. Liang, “Spin transport between polarized Fermi gases near the ferromagnetic phase transition,” Physical Review B 108, 155303 (2023)
- T. Sato, Daigo Oue, M. Matsuo, T. Kato, “Quantum fluctuation in rotation velocity of a levitated magnetic particle,” Physical Review B 108, 094428 (2023)
- K. Yamanoi, Y. Sakakibara, J. Fujimoto, M. Matsuo, and Y. Nozaki, “A large modulation of spin pumping using magnetic phase transitions in single crystalline dysprosium,” Applied Physics Express, 16, 063004 (2023).
- T. Sato, T. Kato, Daigo Oue, M. Matsuo, “Gyromagnetic bifurcation in a levitated ferromagnetic particle”, Physical Review B 107, L180406 (2023)
- H. Funaki, A. Yamakage, and M. Matsuo, “Anisotropic spin-current spectroscopy of ferromagnetic superconducting gap symmetries,” Physical Review B 107, 184437 (2023).
- M. Yama, M. Matsuo, T. Kato, “Effect of vertex corrections in spin pumping into a two-dimensional electron gas,” Physical Review B 107, 174414 (2023) arXiv:2201.11498
- R. Sano and M. Matsuo, “Breaking down the magnonic Wiedemann-Franz law in the hydrodynamic regime,” arXiv:2208.14458 Physical Review Letters 130, 166201 (2023)
- T. Funato and M. Matsuo, “Spin hydrodynamic generation in unsteady flows,” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 572, 170574 (2023) arXiv:2210.16762
- H. Tajima, D. Oue, M. Matsuo, and T. Kato, “Nonequilibrium Noise as a Probe of Pair-Tunneling Transport in the BCS–BEC Crossover,” PNAS Nexus 2, pgad045 (2023).
プレスリリース: 日経新聞電子版「 東大、超流動異常相での流れの担い手を粒子流の揺らぎで判別」 - T. Ishikawa, M. Matsuo, and T. Kato, “Spin Hall Magnetoresistance in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnetic-Insulator/Metal Bilayer Systems,” Physical Review B 107, 054426 (2023).
- T. Funato, A. Yamakage, and M. Matsuo, “Acoustic spin transport by superconducting quasiparticles,” Physical Review B 106, 214420 (2022) arXiv:2208.10744
- D. Oue and M. Matsuo, “Twisting an optomechanical cavity,” Physical Review A 106, L041501 (2022). arXiv:1912.06772
- T. Funato, T. Kato, and M. Matsuo, “Spin pumping into anisotropic Dirac electrons,” Physical Review B 106, 144418 (2022). arXiv:2206.04899
- Y. Ominato, A. Yamakage, and M. Matsuo, “Anisotropic superconducting spin transport at magnetic interfaces,” Physical Review B 106, L161406 (2022). arXiv:2103.05871
- H. Tajima, D.Oue, M. Matsuo, “Multi-particle tunneling transport at strongly-correlated interfaces,” Physical Review A 106, 033310 (2022). arXiv:2110.11701
- Y. Ominato, D. Oue, and M. Matsuo, “Valley transport driven by dynamic lattice distortion,” Physical Review B 105, 195409 (2022), arXiv:2110.09724
- Y. Ominato, A. Yamakage, T. Kato, and M. Matsuo, “Ferromagnetic resonance modulation in d-wave superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator bilayer systems,” Physical Review B 105, 205406 (2022) arXiv:2201.06060
- T. Funato and M. Matsuo, “Spin elastodynamic motive force,” Physical Review Letters 128, 077202 (2022). (arXiv:2110.06552)
プレスリリース:日本経済新聞電子版 「慶大、磁気回転効果を用いて磁性体から起電力を取り出す機構を発見」 - D. Oue and M. Matsuo, “Motion-induced spin transfer,” Physical Review B 105, L020302 (2022) (arXiv:2110.05871).
- W. Izumida, R. Okuyama, K. Sato, T. Kato, and M. Matsuo, “Einstein-de Haas Nanorotor,” Physical Review Letters 128, 017701 (2022). (arXiv:2106.0481).
プレスリリース:日本経済新聞電子版 「東北大と東大、磁気回転効果をナノモーターの動作原理に利用できることを量子論によって解明」
- J. Fujimoto, H. Funaki, W. Koshibae, M. Matsuo, and S. Maekawa, “Skyrmion creation and annihilation by electric current vorticity,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2021.3139638
- T. Sato, M. Tatsuno, M. Matsuo, and T. Kato, “Fluctuation theorem for spin transport at insulating ferromagnetic junctions”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 546, 15 168814 (2022).
- T. Funato and M. Matsuo, “Acoustic Rashba-Edelstein effect,” JMMM 540 168336 (2021)
- T. Yamamoto, T. Kato, and M. Matsuo, “Spin current at a magnetic junction as a probe of the Kondo state,” Phys. Rev. B 104, L121401 (2021) (arXiv:2106.06102)
- M. Yama, M. Tatsuno, T. Kato, M. Matsuo, “Spin pumping into a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions,” Phys. Rev. B 104 054410 (2021) (arXiv:2105.11193)
- T. Funato and M. Matsuo, “Helicity current generation by distorted Rashba coupling,” Phys. Rev. B 104 L060412 (2021) (arXiv:2105.04804)
- S. Tateno, Y. Kurimune, M. Matsuo, K. Yamanoi, and Y. Nozaki, “Einstein-de Haas phase shifts in surface acoustic waves,” Phys. Rev. B 104, L020404 (2021)
- H. Chudo, M. Imai, M. Matsuo, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, “Observation of the Angular Momentum Compensation by Barnett Effect and NMR,” J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 90, 081003 (2021),
- J. Fujimoto, W. Koshibae, M. Matsuo, and S. Maekawa, “Zeeman coupling and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction driven by electric current vorticity,” Physical Review B 103, L220402 (2021).
- H. Chudo, M. Matsuo, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, “Barnett field, rotational Doppler effect, and Berry phase studied by nuclear quadrupole resonance with rotation,” Physical Review B 103, 174308 (2021)
- Y. Kurimune, M. Matsuo, S. Maekawa, and Y. Nozaki, “Highly nonlinear frequency-dependent spin-wave resonance excited via spin-vorticity coupling,” Physical Review B 102, 174413 (2020)
- T. Kato, Y. Ohnuma, and M. Matsuo, “Microscopic theory of the spin Hall magnetoresistance,” Physical Review B 102, 094437 (2020) arXiv:2005.14494
- D. Oue and M. Matsuo, “Optically induced electron spin currents in the Kretschmann configuration,” Physical Review B 102, 125431 (2020)
- S. Tateno, G. Okano, M. Matsuo, and Y. Nozaki, “Electrical evaluation of the alternating spin current generated via spin-vorticity coupling,” Physical Review B 102, 104406 (2020)
- J. Fujimoto and M. Matsuo, “Magnon Current Generation by Dynamical Distortion,” Physical Review B 102, 020406(R) (2020) (arXiv:2004.14707)
- M. Imai, H. Chudo, M. Matsuo, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, “Enhancement of domain-wall mobility at the angular momentum compensation temperature detected by NMR,” arXiv:1911.02207 Physical Review B 102, 014407 (2020) Editors’ Suggestion
- R. Takahashi, H. Chudo, M. Matsuo, K. Harii, Y. Ohnuma, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, “Giant spin hydrodynamic generation in laminar flow”, Nature Communications 11, 3009 (2020).
- Y. Kurimune, M. Matsuo, and Y. Nozaki, “Observation of gyromagnetic spinwave resonance in NiFe thin films,” Physical Review Letters 124, 217205 (2020).
- Sa Tu, Timothy Ziman, Guoqiang Yu, Caihua Wan, Junfeng Hu, Hao Wu, Hanchen Wang, Mengchao Liu, Chuanpu Liu, Chenyang Guo, Jianyu Zhang, Marco A. Cabero Z., Youguang Zhang, Peng Gao, Song Liu, Dapeng Yu, Xiufeng Han, Ingrid Hallsteinsen, Dustin A. Gilbert, Mamoru Matsuo, Yuichi Ohnuma, Peter Wölfle, Kang L. Wang, Jean-Philippe Ansermet, Sadamichi Maekawa & Haiming Yu, “Record thermopower found in an IrMn-based spintronics stack,” Nature Communications 11, 2023 (2020).
- Y. Ominato, J. Fujimoto, and M. Matsuo, “Valley-dependent spin transport in monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides,” Physical Review Letters 124, 166803 (2020)
(arXiv:2001.08670 ) - Y. Ominato and M. Matsuo, “Quantum Oscillations of Gilbert Damping in Graphene,” J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 89, 053704 (2020). (arXiv:1911.02775)
- D. Oue and M. Matsuo, “Electron spin transport driven by surface plasmon polariton,” Physical Review B 101, 161404 (R) 2020. (arXiv:2001.09286 )
- T. Horaguchi, M. Matsuo, and Y. Nozaki, “Highly accurate evaluation of spin torque efficiency by measuring inplane angular dependence of spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance,” Jornal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 505, 166727 (2020).
- D. Oue and M. Matsuo, “Effects of surface plasmons on spin currents in a thin film system,” New J. Phys 22, 033040 (2020).
- J. Fujimoto and M. Matsuo, “Alternating current-induced interfacial spin-transfer torque,” Physical Review B 100, 220402 (R) (2019)
- X.-G. Huang, M. Matsuo, and H. Taya, “Spontaneous generation of spin current from the vacuum by strong electric fields,” Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 11, 113B02 (2019)
(arXiv:1904.07593) - K. Nakata, Y. Ohnuma, and M. Matsuo, “Universal 1/3-suppression of magnonic shot noise in diffusive insulating magnets,” Physical Review B 100, 014406 (2019).
- K. Harii, Y.-J Seo, Y. Tsutsumi, H. Chudo, K. Oyanagi, M. Matsuo, Y. Shiomi, T. Ono, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, “Spin Seebeck mechanical force,” Nature Communications 10, 2616 (2019)
日経新聞電子版「原子力機構・東北大・理研・東大など、スピン流が運ぶミクロな回転がマクロな動力となることを実証」 - K. Hattori, M. Hongo, X.-G. Huang, M. Matsuo, and H. Taya, “Fate of spin polarization in a relativistic fluid: An entropy-current analysis,” Physics Letters B 795 (2019) 100-106.
(arXiv:1901.06615) - G. Okano, M. Matsuo, Y. Ohnuma, S. Maekawa, and Y. Nozaki, “Nonreciprocal spin current generation in surface-oxidized copper films,” Physical Review Letters 122, 217701 (2019).
プレスリリース:電流の渦から磁気を生み出すことに成功 - M. Imai, H. Chudo, M. Ono, K. Harii, M. Matsuo, Y. Ohnuma, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, “Angular momentum compensation manipulation to room temperature of the ferrimagnet Ho_{3−x} Dy_x Fe_5 O_12 detected by the Barnett effect,” Applied Physics Letters 114, 162402 (2019). APL Featured.
(arXiv:1904.04567) - T. Kato, Y. Ohnuma, M. Matsuo, J. Rech, T. Jonckheere, and T. Martin, “Microscopic theory of spin transport at the interface between a superconductor and a ferromagnetic insulator,” Physical Review B 99, 144411 (2019). (arxiv.1901.02440)
- K. Nakata, Y. Ohnuma, and M. Matsuo, “Asymmetric quantum shot noise in magnon transport,” Physical Review B 99, 134403 (2019).
2018 (Since joined KITS, UCAS with KITS affiliation)
- K. Nakata, Y. Ohnuma, and M. Matsuo, “Magnonic noise and Wiedemann-Franz law”, Physical Review B 98, 094430 (2018).
- M. Imai, Y. Ogata, H. Chudo, M. Ono, K. Harii, M. Matsuo, Y. Ohnuma, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, “Observation of gyromagnetic reversal,” Applied Physics Letters 113, 052402 (2018). APL Editor’s Pick.
2018 (Since joined KITS, without KITS affiliation)
- C. Tang, Q. Song, C.-Z. Chang, Y. Xu, Y. Ohnuma, M. Matsuo, Y. Liu, W. Yuan, Y. Yao, J. S. Moodera, S. Maekawa, W. Han, J. Shi, “Dirac surface state–modulated spin dynamics in a ferrimagnetic insulator at room temperature,” Sci. Adv. 4, eaas8660 (2018). [DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aas8660]
- M. Matsuo, Y. Ohnuma, T. Kato, and S. Maekawa, “Spin current noise of the spin Seebeck effect and spin pumping,” Physical Review Letters 120, 037201 (2018). [arXiv:1711.00237]
(before previous affiliations)
- Y. Ohnuma, M. Matsuo, and S. Maekawa, “Theory of the spin Peltier effect”, Physical Review B 96, 134412 (2017). [arXiv:1706.09332]
- D. Kobayashi, T. Yoshikawa, M. Matsuo, R. Iguchi, S. Maekawa, E. Saitoh, and Y. Nozaki, “Spin current generation using a surface acoustic wave generated via spin-rotation coupling”, Physical Review Letters 119,077202 (2017). PRL Editors’ Suggestion.
- プレスリリース(2017-08-18) 「音波を用いて銅から磁気の流れを生み出すことに成功〜磁石や貴金属を必要としない磁気デバイス開発へ〜」
- 財経新聞 音波を用いて銅に磁気を生じさせる研究
- 日経テクノロジーonline 音波で銅からスピン流の生成に成功
- 化学工業日報 2017-08-23 朝刊10面, 日経産業新聞 2017-08-23 朝刊11面, 電気新聞 2017-08-24 朝刊2面
- Y. Ogata, H. Chudo, B. Gu, N. Kobayashi, M. Ono, K. Harii, M. Matsuo, E. Saitoh, and S. Maekawa, “Enhanced orbital magnetic moment in FeCo nanogranules observed by Barnett effect”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 442, 329331 (2017).
- M. Matsuo, Y. Ohnuma, and S. Maekawa, “Theory of spin hydrodynamic generation”, Physical Review B 96, 020401(R)(2017). [arXiv:1706.06521]
- Y. Ogata, H. Chudo, M. Ono, K. Harii, M. Matsuo, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, “Gyroscopic g factor of rare earth metals”, Applied Physics Letters 110, 072409 (2017).
- M. Matsuo, E. Saitoh, and S. Maekawa, “Spin-mechatronics”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86, 011011 (2017). [invited review paper]
- Y. Ohnuma, M. Matsuo, and S. Maekawa, “Spin transport in half-metallic ferromagnets”, Physical Review B 94, 184405 (2016).
- R. Takahashi, M. Matsuo, M. Ono, K. Harii, H. Chudo, S. Okayasu, J. Ieda, S. Takahashi, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, “Spin hydrodynamic generation”, Nature Physics 12, 52-56 (2016).
- プレスリリース「液体金属流から電気エネルギーを取り出せることを解明〜電子の自転運動を利用した新しい発電へ〜」
- Nature Physics News&Views: I. Zutic & A. Matos-Abiague, “Fluid spintronics: Cause a stir”, Nature Physics 12, 24-25 (2016)
- Nature Materials News&Views: D. Ciudad, “Spintronics: Turbulent power”, Nature Materials 14, 1188 (2015).
- Science Editor’s choice: J. Stajic, “Make way for liquied spintronics”, Science 20, 924, (2015).
- M. Ono, H. Chudo, K. Harii, S. Okayasu, M. Matsuo, J. Ieda, R. Takahashi, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, “Barnett effect in paramagnetic states”, Physical Review B 92, 174424 (2015).
- M. Matsuo, J. Ieda and S. Maekawa, “Mechanical generation of spin current”, Front. Phys. 3, 54 (2015)
- K. Harii, H. Chudo, M. Ono, M. Matsuo, J. Ieda, S. Okayasu, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, “Line splitting by mechanical rotation in nuclear magnetic resonance”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 54, 050302 (2015).
- H. Chudo, K. Harii, M. Matsuo, J. Ieda, M. Ono, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh,”Rotational Doppler Effect and Barnett Field in Spinning NMR”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 84, 043601 (2015).
- J. Ieda, M. Matsuo, and S. Maekawa, “Theory of mechanical spin current generation via spin-rotation coupling”, Solid State Communications 198, 52-56 (2014).
- M. Matsuo, J. Ieda, and S. Maekawa, “Theory of mechanical spin current generation via spin-orbit coupling”, Solid State Communications 198, 57-60 (2014).
- H. Chudo, M. Ono, K. Harii, M. Matsuo, J. Ieda, R. Haruki, S. Okayasu, S. Maekawa, H. Yasuoka, and E. Saitoh, “Observation of Barnett fields in solids by nuclear magnetic resonance”, Applied Physics Express 7, 063004 (2014).
- M. Matsuo, J. Ieda, K. Harii, E. Saitoh, and S. Maekawa, “Mechanical generation of spin current by spin-rotation coupling”, Physical Review B 87, 180402(R) (2013).
- 2013年5月17日プレス発表「銅やアルミニウムで磁気の流れを生みだす原理を発見」
- 2013年6月7日 科学新聞(6面)「金属に音波注入 磁気の流れ生む原理発見」
- 2013年7月17日 キーマンズネット 「電子の回転で情報記録!『スピントロニクス』」
- M. Matsuo, J. Ieda, E. Saitoh, and S. Maekawa, “Effects of mechanical rotation and vibration on spin currents”, Journal of the Korean Physical Socociety 62, No. 10, 1404 (2013).
- M. Matsuo, J. Ieda, and S. Maekawa, “Renormalization of spin-rotation coupling”, Physical Review B 87, 115301 (2013).
- M. Matsuo, J. Ieda, E. Saitoh, and S. Maekawa, “Spin-dependent inertial force and spin current in accelerating systems”, Physical Review B 84, 104410 (2011)
selected in PRB Kaleidoscope Images September 2011. - M. Matsuo, J. Ieda, E. Saitoh, and S. Maekawa, “Spin current generation due to mechanical rotation in the presence of impurity scattering”, Applied Physics Letters 98, 242501 (2011),
selected in the June 27, 2011 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology. - K. Ando, S. Takahashi, J. Ieda, Y. Kajiwara, H. Nakayama, T. Yoshino, K. Harii, Y. Fujikawa, M. Matsuo, S. Maekawa, and E. Saitoh, “Inverse spin-Hall effect induced by spin pumping in metallic system”, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 103913 (2011).
- M. Matsuo, J. Ieda, E. Saitoh, and S. Maekawa, “Effects of mechanical rotation on spin currents”, Physical Review Letters 106, 076601 (2011), PRL Editors’ Suggestion.
- 2011年2月15日プレス発表「回転運動から磁気の流れを生みだす手法を発見」
- 2011年3月4日 科学新聞(1面)「回転運動から磁気の流れを生み出す手法」
- “Could the combination of general relativity and quantum mechanics lead to spintronics?”
- 2011年2月16日 電気新聞(2面)「ナノ原動機原理発見」
- 2011年2月16日 日刊工業新聞(25面)「加速運動から微小磁気・ナノモーターに開発に道」
magazine articles
- 大湊友也、山影相、加藤岳生、松尾衛「磁気的界面を通じて超伝導対称性を視る — 強磁性共鳴変調を用いたスペクトロスコピー –」固体物理 Vol. 58, No. 8, 2023 p.433-440
- 泉田渉・奥山倫・加藤岳生・松尾衛「電子スピンにより駆動する名のモーター」固体物理 Vol. 57, 2022
- 松尾衛「スピン流はめぐる」(著者最終稿) 数理科学2019年1月号
- 大沼悠一、松尾衛、前川禎通、齊藤英治「熱スピン相互変換」日本磁気学会誌まぐね Vol.12, No.5 (2017)
- 松尾衛、齊藤英治、前川禎通「非慣性系のスピントロニクス(著者最終稿)」日本物理学会誌2017年09月号 (目次口絵:スピン接続のイメージ図)
- 松尾衛「液体金属流体におけるスピン流発電」
応用物理学会誌 2017年01月号 - 松尾衛「音波で生み出すスピン流」
パリティ vol.30 No.1 2015年01月 - 松尾衛、家田淳一、前川禎通「スピンがみる時空のゆがみーースピントロニクスの新展開」
固体物理 vol.49 No.11 2014年11月 - 松尾衛「音波で生み出す磁気の流れ」
パリティ vol.29 No.03 2014年03月 - 松尾衛 (書評: 相対論的量子力学)
日本物理学会誌第68巻第9号 2013年09月 - 松尾衛「レアメタルフリー: 銅やアルミニウムで磁気の流れを生み出すスピントロニクスの世界」
原子力機構広報誌「未来へげんき29 」 - 松尾衛「数学で噛み砕く特殊相対論(全11回)」
現代数学社「理系への数学」2009 年 4 月号から2010年4月号まで
Other articles
- “Flow of Spins Driven by Dynamical Lattice Distortion in Strong Spin–Orbit Coupled Materials”
M. Matsuo
JPSJ News Comments 15, 05 (2018)
- 中嶋慧・松尾衛「一般ゲージ理論と共変解析力学」(現代数学社, 2020年)
- 松尾衛「相対論とゲージ場の古典論を噛み砕く—ゲージ場の量子論を学ぶ準備として—」(現代数学社,A5版174ページ, 2019年5月)